The Stroke Pre-Clinical Assessment Network (SPAN)

More recently we have helped launch the NIH-sponsored Stroke Preclinical Assessment Network (SPAN), a one-of-its-kind preclinical trial platform for confirmatory testing of stroke therapeutics on a robust and unbiased platform. In search of therapeutics, we use various focal cerebral ischemia models involving cortical and/or subcortical grey and/or white matter, and a range of readouts including MRI, histology, and a battery of neurocognitive tests. Ayata

Embracing Heterogeneity in The Multicenter Stroke Preclinical Assessment Network (SPAN) Trial

The distribution of a selection of three biological and three experimental model variables demonstrates the heterogeneity among the six study sites during the SPAN trial. b: missing value. The concept of heterogeneity and how we captured it in the preclinical SPAN trial of acute ischemic stroke better approximate the clinical trial space. Read More.